I’m hip, I’m cool, I’m with it.

I’ve noticed how cool it is recently to be a DJ. It used to be totally uncool when I was a teenager. A sweaty man in charge of the “Erection Section/slow set was not attractive.

But, now a DJ is everything you have to be in life. If you are a DJ, you are cool.


There are some rules you must adhere to though.

1. You should be utterly serious about your new “passion” and keep a seriously cool pose while “mixing it up”.


It takes a lot of concentration to listen to music, look at the turntable and look cool. 

2. Do not look happy or make v signs/thumbs-up.


These will wreck the image you’re trying to create. 

3. Try to be famous and have a talent for something else.

Sarah Harding has gone one better, she is engaged to a DJ. Simply by posing with him, she automatically has “street credit”.


Obama doesn’t quite get it somehow.

But, I’ve decided to take it even further, being a DJ is so last season. I’ve spent a long time thinking about this, planning the right moment, wearing the right clothes and I’ve came up with….Drum roll…. 
I’ll be a drummer!
In a hard rock band.
And I’ll wear a flowery vest top.
I’ll look serious but cool.
I’ll let my roots grow out to show how “serious” I am about being a drummer.
What ya think?


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