Raymond Carver’s last collection before he passed at the awfully young age of 50.
Elephant contains the longest piece of fiction he ever wrote, Errand.
He is, without doubt, still my most loved writer. No other writer can beat his precision or depth of understanding of humans and life.
If you haven’t read any of his stories, I urge you to.
#rozzie #raymondcarver #shortStory #iamreading #fiction #reading #writing #vintageClassic #elephant
Idaho by Emily Ruskovich. Enjoying this slow novel #idahoNovel #rozzie
Culture Night 2019. We spent the evening in Poetry Ireland
Culture Night 2019.
We spent the evening in Poetry Ireland HQ listening to poets Vincent Woods and Simon Lewis accompanied with the beautiful and fascinating Farah Elle, musical artist. Then, we headed downstairs to a poetry and spoken word fest.
We crossed the road to the Irish Writers Centre to witness the launch of Holy Show Arts and Lit Mag. Ending with a glass of wine in the foyer bar of The Gresham Hotel with friends and fans.
Thank you @poetryireland @irishwriterscentre @vincentWoods @simonmlewis @farahelle
#writing #poetry #irishwriting #cultureNight2019
Night boat to Tangier, Kevin Barry. I always get slightly
Night boat to Tangier, Kevin Barry.
I always get slightly nervous when I start a new piece of writing by this guy.
I adore and obsess over his short stories, language, humour and general total understanding of what it is to be in Ireland.
Thankfully, (for me) this novel is my favourite of his. Though I still would chose his short fiction as I think that’s where his perfection lies.
Tangier, though, is pretty much written in perfection. The language is funky, careful and beautiful. I cared for the female characters the most not the two protagonists as much. The setting was stunning. I was in all the places in my head.
It’s a story of two gangsters at the end of their career, looking back and looking for something they come to realise is gone. It’s a story of deep remorse and humanity. I love reading an author who is kind to his characters and he is on every page.
When I got to the end, I reread the first chapter. This chapter was the piece that Kevin read out at the @writingandideas this summer. This novel is true to Kevin’s unique voice but brings it to a high level. I’m already nervous about his short story collection coming next year. I know I shouldn’t be the one who is nervous but when writing is so lovely and clever, I wonder how he keeps pushing the standard.
Night boat to Tangier, Kevin Barry. Current read. I am
Being various, new Irish short stories edited by Lucy Caldwell.
A fascinating read and one can’t help be convinced by
A fascinating read and one can’t help be convinced by Yorke’s theories on stories and why we tell them. It comes down to “the journey into the woods… Finding of the missing part, it’s retrieval and the making of something while, is integral. That something can be us, a puzzle, a mystery, or… corruptions.
Two opposites are assimilated and a conflict is stilled. We crave stories like a drug. For it is in story, we are able to bring our inner selves into line with the external world. Some kind of sense is made, and if we’re lucky, some kind of truth discovered.”
I’d recommend this book to everyone who loves story, either in TV, film, theatre, poetry or fiction. A riveting read backed up examples from TV and film.
Constellations by Sinéad Gleeson is a collection of essays about
Constellations by Sinéad Gleeson is a collection of essays about the body, sickness, strength, art and millions more!
I found it an intriguing and clear read. The amount of pain and illness Sinéad has gone through is way beyond what anyone should have to put up with and I certainly wouldn’t be as humorous and practical minded as she has been.
The essay “The wound gives off its own light” was perfection in terms of its account of Frida Kahlo and her art. I was so inspired, I’ve began to develop a series of lessons for my new 5th class in autumn based on Frida’s art and life; hers being an influential woman in history and creativity.
I can recommend this book of essays.
P. S. The endpapers are just gorgeous. Not that I’d ever buy a book for the endpapers. Just saying.
#essays #irishwriting #sineadGleeson #picador #rozzie
The Story Cure-an A-Z of books to keep kids happy,
The Story Cure-an A-Z of books to keep kids happy, healthy and wise was gifted to me by one of my students in my Senior Infants class this year.
It was such a thoughtful gift. It made me feel happy that the students and parents knew I was a book lover!
It’s a treasure trove of book recommendations based on themes or ailments ranging from peer pressure to helping a child eat their vegetables. It has recommendations for babies, toddlers, early readers and young adults.
It’s ideal for teachers, booksellers, librarians and parents.
It will be well used.
#ellaberthoud #susanelderkin #teachingReading #iTeachToo #reading
Aidan Chambers two books on the reading process and teaching
Aidan Chambers two books on the reading process and teaching reading. Tell me and The reading environment. At times he’s very black and white to the point of being elitist about books, favouring literary reading.
When I’m teaching I’ve got to encourage all learners and promote all types of genre.