All that jazz-a short story by Billy O’ Callaghan
This is a piece of flash fiction. It spans barely 5 pages and focuses in one moment of a young, Polish woman in a bar with a couple of stereotypical fat Irish men leering over her. The Polish lady is contrasted with the other stereotypical scantily-clad young women as the Polish lady is dressed in a jumper and jeans, strangely enough seeing as she is in a bar.
I think there is meant to be a twist at the end in that we find out she is a single mother but I am not sure of the point of this fact and in fact I am not sure of the whole point of this scene or woman.
I welcome the character of a Polish lady in Ireland and it is interesting to get into her head and thinking about Ireland but we are not left with any new observations about Ireland or Poland. As a piece of flash, it works well enough.